Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Spanish 3 11-19-08 Purple day periods 1 and 2

Tarea: 11-19-08 due 11-21-08
Conjuguemos practice zone

1. Realidades 3-chapter 1 Please complete this activity for 100 attempts. Do send me the activity until you have a 80% or better. Thanks!!!!

Here is a link to some notes that can help you understand the preterit better. I would print this and put in your notes!

Las frases del día 11-19-08

ONLINE SPANISH DICTIONARY if you are not using this to help you do your homework there is something wrong!!!!!!! Please use a dictionary to look up words you do not know!

Un partido inolvidable
Completa esta descripción de un famoso
partido de fútbol que tuvo lugar en 1928 en
Santander, una ciudad en el norte de España,
con el pretérito o el imperfecto del verbo entre

__1__.__ (ser) el 28 de mayo de 1928. __2__.__
(llover) y __3__.__ (hacer) viento. __4__.__ (ser) un
día muy especial para Santander. __5__.__
(jugar) el Barcelona y La Real Sociedad.
Platko y Samitier __6__.__ (ser) las grandes
estrellas del Barcelona. Las estrellas de la
Real __7__.__ (ser) Zaldúa y Cholín.
Por fin __8__.__ (comenzar) el partido. En un
momento en que la Real __9__.__ (ir) hacia el
área del Barcelona, Cholín avanzó1 hasta el
arco2. Cuando el gol __1__0_. _ (parecer)
inevitable, el guardameta3 Platko se arrojó4
1 moved forward 2 goal 3 goalkeeper 4 leaped
sobre el pie de Cholín y __1__1_. _ (parar) la
pelota. Sin embargo, el pie de Cholín __1__2_. _
(dar) contra la cabeza de Platko, quien __1__3_. _
(tener) que salir del campo, con la frente5
llena de sangre. A los pocos minutos se __1__4_. _
(llegar) al descanso, con un empate de cero a
cero. Los aficionados del Barcelona __1__5_. _
(estar) desanimados. ¿Cómo podían ganar el
campeonato sin Platko, su gran guardameta?

Today in class 11-19-08

Preterite Imperfect You will need to know how to conjugate the following verbs in both the imperfect and the preterit. If you do not know how to conjugate all of the following verbs in both the preterit and the imperfect you need to make sure you can ASAP! On the upcoming test that we will take before the midterm you will be asked to conjugate the following verbs in both the preterit and the imperfect.

1. (hacer) yo
2. (llamar) mi amiga
3. (ponerse) ellas
4. (levantarse) nosotros
5. (decir) tú
6. (pasar) él
7. (llegar) yo
8. (parecer) ella
9. (comezar) yo
10. (tener) Uds.
11. (estar) tú
12. (decidir) nosotros

Monday, November 17, 2008

Spanish 3 11-17-08 Purple Day periods 1 and 2

Just a reminder!!!!!! There are only 8 purple days left in this first semester. If you are not passing or do not pass this semester you can not continue on in this class after Christmas break. You will have to choose another elective.

Tarea: 11-17-08 due 11-19-08
Please visit this link to complete the homework. You will need to write your answers down on a piece of notebook paper and turn in next class. The only way you will get credit is to visit this website answer the questions on a piece of your own paper and turn in next class. You should have a 100%.

Las frases del día 11-17-08

ONLINE SPANISH DICTIONARY Use this online Spanish dictionary to look up words that you do not know. Make sure that you know what every verb in these activities means and how to conjugate them as well!

Recuerdos de mi niñez

Complete the paragraphs with the correct form of the imperfect using the verbs in bold.
ir----- tener -----ser----- leer----- sacar

Cuando yo __1__.__ niño, me gustaba mucho leer. Yo __2__.__ una colección
de más de cien libros. Todos los sábados, mi hermana y yo __3__.__ a la
biblioteca. Generalmente, mi hermana __4__.__ libros de historia. Yo, en
cambio, __5__.__ los libros de aventura.

molestar----- devolver----- pedir----- enojar----- ser

A veces, mis amigos me __6__.__ prestado un libro. A mí no me __7__.__
compartir los libros, pero cuando ellos no los __8__.__, entonces yo me
__9__.__ mucho. Los libros __1__0_. _ mis mejores amigos.

Una atleta olímpica
Completa la biografía de la atleta olímpica
Jennifer Rodríguez con el pretérito o el
imperfecto del verbo entre paréntesis.

De niña, Jennifer (1976– ) __1__.__ (ser) muy atlética. Ella __2__.__ (ser)
la primera atleta de origen hispanohablante que __3__.__ (ganar) dos
medallas en los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno en las carreras de
patinaje de velocidad.
Cuando __4__.__ (ser) pequeña, Jennifer __5__.__ (comenzar) a patinar sobre
ruedas. __6__.__ (demostrar) tanto entusiasmo y agilidad que sus padres
__7__.__ (decidir) inscribirla en clases cuando __8__.__ (tener) sólo 4 años.
Un año más tarde, Jennifer __9__.__ (competir) en patinaje artístico y
de velocidad y __1__0_. _ (vencer) a otros niños de su edad.
En 1996, Jennifer __1__1_. _ (comenzar) a practicar el patinaje
sobre hielo. En 1998, Jennifer __1__2_. _ (conseguir) la
cuarta posición en la carrera de 3,000 metros en los Juegos
Olímpicos de Invierno, en Nagano.
En los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno de Salt Lake City,
Jennifer __1__3_. _ (subir) al podio por primera vez, al obtener
dos medallas de bronce en patinaje de velocidad sobre
hielo en las categorías de 1,000 y 1,500 metros. En 2005,
Jennifer sale campeona mundial de patinaje
de velocidad.

Superhombre ... más rápido que una bala, más potente que una locomotora.

Can you select the correct conjugation of the verb in parenthesis? Each verb is either conjugated in the preterit or imperfect. You need to decide if the verb should be in it's preterit or imperfect form?

Cuando Kal-El (fue, era) joven él (vivió, vivía) en el planeta Krypton. Pero un día sus padres se (despidieron, despedían)* de él y lo (pusieron, ponían) en una nave espacial* para salvarlo de la explosión de Krypton. Después de un viaje largo, él (llegó, llegaba) a un pueblo en Kansas donde Johnathan y Martha Kent lo (encontraron, encontraban). Ellos le (dieron, daban) el nombre nuevo de Clark Kent. Clark (quiso, quería) mucho a sus padres adoptivos* y siempre (hizo, hacía) muchos quehaceres para ayudarlos* en casa. Clark (tuvo, tenía) un perro que se (llamó, llamaba) Krypto y se (divirtieron, divertían) juntos cada día. Un día Clark (supo , sabía) la verdad sobre su doble identidad cuando sus padres le (dijeron, decían) que (fue , era) Superhombre! Clark (pasó, pasaba) 10 años con su familia adoptiva en Kansas y entonces* (empezó, empezaba) a trabajar como reportero para el Daily Planet.

To say good-bye
Space Ship
Help them

Preterite Imperfect You will need to know how to conjugate the following verbs in both the imperfect and the preterit

1. (hacer) yo
2. (llamar) mi amiga
3. (ponerse) ellas
4. (levantarse) nosotros
5. (decir) tú
6. (pasar) él
7. (llegar) yo
8. (parecer) ella
9. (comezar) yo
10. (tener) Uds.
11. (estar) tú
12. (decidir) nosotros

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Spanish 3 11-13-08 Purple day periods 1 and 2

Tarea: 11-13-08 due next class 11-17-08


Conjuguemos grammar activities:
These activities can be found under the practice zone grammar section. Please do the activities tell you have the coorect answer. Once you have all the answers correct write the correct answers on a piece of notebook paper and bring it to class to get credit. Remember you are practicing the the preterit vs the imperfect. Not all the answers will be preterit and not all the answers will be imperfect. The purpose of the activity is to help you learn to choose the correct tense.
Go to practice zone then grammar.


1. Preterit vs. The imperfect

2. Preterit vs. The imperfect #2

Las frases del día 11-13-08

Here is the link to the activity that we completed in class for las frases del día we are focusing on the second page.

Here are the key notes to help understand the uses of the imperfect:

Usos del imperfecto (p. 44)
The imperfect is used:
• to describe events that happened regularly or habitually in the past
• to describe people and places in the past (for example: physical descriptions of
what people or places looked like, or people’s emotions)
• to describe past events that were ongoing or continuous (including things that
“were happening” before being interrupted)
• to give the date, time, and someone’s age in the past
• to talk about the weather in the past

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Spanish 3 11-11-08 Purple Day periods 1 and 2

Tarea: for 11-11-08 due 11-13-08

Conjuguemos Conjuguemos practice zone 100 attempts

1. Realidades 3 - Chapter 1 There will be new material added. Please make sure you either print the vocab sheet or copy the vocab to your notes.

Reminder!!!!! You can always make flash cards at any time to study your vocabulary!

Las frases del día 11-11-08

Here is the link to the activity that we completed in class for las frases del día.

Today in class 11-11-08
Today in class we looked at a power point that talked about the rules of when we use the imperfect as apposed to the preterit! If you were absent and would like this power Point I can send it to you in an email.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Spanish 3 11-7-08 Purple day periods 1 and 2

Tarea: for 11-7-08 due 11-11-08

Conjuguemos practice zone 100 attempts

1. Realidades 3 - Chapter 1

Las frases del día 11-7-08

Here is the link to the activity that we completed in class for las frases del día.

Today in class 11-7-08

To day in class we read a short story on page 24 and 25 of the online text book. Please log on to the online text book and read the story. I also need you to answer the questions on page 25 actividad 3. Below are the questions that you need to answer in complete sentences in Spanish! Also, as you read the story please write down all of the verbs that are conjugated in the past tense. This means the preterit and the imperfect. I would also like you to write an explanation as to why each verb is regular or irregular. Please be as specific as possible in your explanations.

1. ¿Por qué querían ir a La Peña los chicos?
2. ¿Qué le pasó a Guille?
3. ¿Qué animal los asustó? ¿Dónde se
4. Imagínate que estás con los chicos cuando
aparece el oso. ¿Qué crees que deben hacer?

Usos del imperfecto (p. 44)
The imperfect is used:
• to describe events that happened regularly or habitually in the past
• to describe people and places in the past (for example: physical descriptions of
what people or places looked like, or people’s emotions)
• to describe past events that were ongoing or continuous (including things that
“were happening” before being interrupted)
• to give the date, time, and someone’s age in the past
• to talk about the weather in the past

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Spanish 3 11-5-08 Purple day perriods 1 and 2

Tarea: For 11-5-08 due 11-7-08 Conjuguemos practice zone 100 attempts

1. Realidades 3 - Chapter 1

Las frases del día 11-5-08

Here is the link to the activity that we completed in class for our las frases del día.

Today in class 11-5-08

Today we began our study of the imperfect: Which is the other tense we use in Spanish to talk about the past. Here are some of the basic rules of when we use it!

El imperfecto
Use the imperfect tense to talk about actions that
happened regularly. In English you often say “used to”
or “would” to express this idea.
Todos los meses, mi escuela organizaba una carrera.
Nuestro equipo nunca perdía

estar tener vivir
estaba estábamos
estabas estabais
estaba estaban
tenía teníamos
tenías teníais
tenía tenían
vivía vivíamos
vivías vivíais
vivía vivían

Stem-changing verbs do not have a stem change in the imperfect.

Quería participar en el campeonato pero no me sentía bien.

The verbs ir, ser, and ver are the only irregular verbs in the imperfect.
Here are their forms:

ir ser ver
iba íbamos
ibas ibais
iba iban
era éramos
eras erais
era eran
veía veíamos
veías veíais
veía veían

The imperfect form of hay is había (“there was / were, there used to be”).

Generalmente, no había muchos participantes en el campeonato.

  • The imperfect tense is used to talk about habitual or repeated events in the past.
    Look at the conjugations of regular -ar, -er, and -ir verbs in the imperfect tense
  • • Notice that the yo and él/ella/Ud. forms of each verb are the same.
    • Notice that -er and -ir verbs have the same endings in the imperfect.

para prepararse para un evento deportivo
click to play audio el entrenamiento training
click to play audio entrenarse to train
click to play audio hacer un esfuerzo to make an effort
click to play audio inscribirse to register
click to play audio la inscripción registration

para hablar de competencias deportivas
click to play audio alcanzar to reach
click to play audio la carrera race
click to play audio la ceremonia ceremony
click to play audio el certificado certificate, diploma
click to play audio contra against
click to play audio eliminar to eliminate
click to play audio la entrega de
awards ceremony
click to play audio ¡Felicitaciones!


click to play audio la medalla


click to play audio la meta


click to play audio obtener

to obtain, get

click to play audio el / la


click to play audio el / la representante


click to play audio salir campeón,

to become the champion

click to play audio el trofeo trophy
click to play audio vencer to beat

para expresar emociones e impresiones
click to play audio animado, -a excited
click to play audio asustar to scare
click to play audio darse cuenta de to realize
click to play audio desafortunadamente unfortunately
click to play audio desanimado, -a discouraged
click to play audio duro, -a hard
click to play audio emocionarse to be moved
click to play audio estar orgulloso /
orgullosa de

to be proud of

click to play audio impresionar

to impress

click to play audio pasarlo bien / mal

to have a good / bad time

otras palabras y expresiones
click to play audio aparecer to appear
click to play audio así this way
click to play audio hacia toward
click to play audio perder el
to lose one’s balance
click to play audio sin embargo however